CEED is dedicated to a single idea: promoting Western-European-style, liberal democracy in Eastern Europe. Its purpose is to help mobilize leaders who seek to build democratic institutions and implement democratic systems of government in the countries of Eastern Europe.
CEED is a resource and development centre supporting democracy throughout Eastern Europe.
The CEED concept is to create an "ideas without borders" movement, coordinated by a centre committed to "direct person-to-person grassroots action” focused directly on animating Eastern European leaders, rather than preparing academic papers for libraries or policy memos for bureaucrats and politicians in foreign affairs departments.
CEED is a resource and development centre supporting democracy throughout Eastern Europe.
The CEED concept is to create an "ideas without borders" movement, coordinated by a centre committed to "direct person-to-person grassroots action” focused directly on animating Eastern European leaders, rather than preparing academic papers for libraries or policy memos for bureaucrats and politicians in foreign affairs departments.
CEED is a resource and development centre supporting democracy throughout Eastern Europe.
The CEED concept is to create an "ideas without borders" movement, coordinated by a centre committed to "direct person-to-person grassroots action” focused directly on animating Eastern European leaders, rather than preparing academic papers for libraries or policy memos for bureaucrats and politicians in foreign affairs departments.
Initial Directors Group of CEED
Ann Semotiuk

Ihor Bardyn
Ihor Bardyn is a Principal Partner of the Law Firm of Mitchell, Bardyn and Zalucky in Toronto. For over 30 years Mr. Bardyn has been the Director of the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program, a parliamentary democracy internship initiative in the Canadian House of Commons, for university students from Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora world-wide. Mr. Bardyn is the President of the Chair of Ukrainian Studies Foundation supporting academic work at the University of Toronto and Co-Chair of the Trust Advisory Committee of the John Yaremko Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Toronto.

Andriana Ozymtchak
Andriana Ozymtchak is a third year student in the French common law program at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law. She is a strong leader in her community and thrives in group collaboration. This is demonstrated through various volunteer groups she is involved with. Andriana is a proud Ukrainian Canadian and it is important for her to stay active in the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada. She is the current President of the Uottawa Ukrainian Students’ Club this year and the secretary of the Ukrainian Canadian Bar Association. Andriana also serves as the Editor-In-Chief of the blog for the Centre For Eastern European Democracy.

Yuri Grytsevych
Yuri is a student at the Schulich School of Business, York University Toronto, as a Bachelor of Business Administration Candidate – Expected Graduation 2022. He is also at the School of Public Policy and Administration, at York University Toronto, pursuing a Professional Certificate in Public Administration and Law (CPAL) – Expected Graduation 2022. He has been an Executive Member of the Ukrainian National Youth Association – Toronto Branch.